
Find a Clinic

Centres of Excellence

Find a clinic near you specializing in IUC/implant insertions by clicking on your province/territory.

Use the contact information provided to set up an appointment.

These clinics offer:

  • Expert IUC and implant
    insertion teams
  • Shortened wait times
  • Accept self-referrals*
  • Training centre
  • Committed to quality of care
  • Access to emergency contraception IUD

*Clinics that do not accept self-referrals are indicated.


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Intrauterine contraception

IUD. IUS. IUC. What’s the difference?

IUC stands for intrauterine contraception. It describes any device placed in the uterus to help prevent pregnancy – i.e., an IUD or IUS.

IUD stands for intrauterine device. It describes a t-shaped device with copper and no hormones, that is placed in the uterus as a long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC).

IUS stands for intrauterine system. It describes a t-shaped plastic device that steadily releases small amounts of hormone in the uterus as a long-acting, reversible contraceptive (LARC).

Implantable contraception

What is the contraceptive implant?

The contraceptive implant has been used in countries around the world for many years, but was introduced to Canada in 2020.

It’s a small, flexible plastic rod that gets inserted just below the skin and slowly releases a small amount of progestin hormone.

A healthcare provider performs a small procedure to place the implant in your arm – it takes just a few minutes! The implant is then effective at preventing pregnancy for up to 3 years.

Helpful Links for More Information on Contraception

A site dedicated to helping you explore your contraception options.

Created by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada for straight talk about birth control and sexual health.

Created by Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, with information on contraception, sexual health and getting the most out of your relationship with your health care provider.

Guide to Emergency Contraception in Ontario

Providing news and resources about Sexual Health and Rights

About Us

About Us


To identify and develop a network of Rapid Access IUC and Implant Centres of Excellence across Canada for quality care, collaboration and improved access to intrauterine and implanted contraception.


RAIICE is a service that grew out of a need identified by the CNIC, or the Canadian Network for Intrauterine Contraception. Established in 2015, the CNIC consists of 8 Canadian experts in IUC and Implant Centres who are committed to helping people access their optimal contraception method so that they can define and meet their reproductive goals.


If you’re interested in becoming a RAIICE member, please contact us at

If you’re a healthcare provider requiring assistance with IUCs or implants, please consult a local centre of excellence using the contact information in the list above.


The RAIICE project was initiated and developed by Canadian Network for Intra-uterine Contraception (CNIC), which is an expert working group of health care professionals active in the field of intrauterine contraception. The clinics listed on this website are self-identified as Centres of Excellence. While the criteria are developed by CNIC, the clinics independently certify that these criteria are met. The RAIICE project is supported by Bayer Inc. and Organon Canada through the provision of an unrestricted educational grant to Queen’s University. Bayer Inc., Organon Canada, and Queen’s University are not responsible for any content and associated materials or products developed by RAIICE or by CNIC.